Monday 20 September 2010


I went to " Norakuro Museum (のらくろ館) the day before yesterday.
What's "Norakuro"?
Norakuro is a famous Japanese manga character that was serialized from 1931 to 1981 written by Suihou Tagawa.

Norakuro stands for NORA (homeless ) KURO (black dog).
It looks adorable,doesn't it?  (*⌒▽⌒*) /   

This one is a little bit scary!!  ( ̄▽ ̄;)!!ガーン

It's one of most popular perennial manga characters in Japan.

Even now, over 80 years after the first appearance,a variety of goods related to it are on sale.


  1. Hi Vanny, welcome back! I've been waiting for new posts for so long. This one is very nice and what a cute character: I can hardly beleive it's 80 years old! Love your new 'tech' background, though.
    All the best from summer ending (but still sunny) Italy!

  2. @The Girly Blog:) Yeah,it's cute,isn't it? :D

  3. @mikapoka :)Hi,I'm back! I was kinda busy nowadays. ^^ But I'll try to post up new articles as much as possible!
    It's still HOT in Tokyo,too. It's hard for me to wear Autumnish clothes...
