The hay fever season has started again this year!!! Oh,my!!
I think I 'm allergic to pollen of hinoki-cypress.
So, my body doesn't accept hi-quality materials!! Ha-ha,,
I can't stop sneezing!!! "Achoo!"
My eyes feel itchy!! (TωT)ウルウル
I have a runny nose!!
I blow my nose a dozen times.
It can be damaging my lower part of my nose.
(*´・д)(д・`*)ネー !
So,I bought a box of "Kleenex Lotion Tissues."
It' s a little expensive but it's soooooo good!!
I can feel difference in texture between the normal one and this one.
It's ten times softer and nicer than the normal one I think.
whee♪ ヾ(*⌒∇⌒)八(⌒∇⌒*)ツ whee♪
Now,I can't live without this during this season!
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