Where did you go for lunch today?I had lunch at Tokyo University.'Cos every Friday I have a business meeting about there.
So I sometimes go to the school cafeteria for lunch.
The cafeteria is clean and inexpensive what's more they serve good dishes.
Can you believe the rice omelet with demiglace sauce and soup for 480yen.
I had the combination meal you see in the 2nd pic above.
It included tofu with bangbang chicken,shrimp with chili sauce,
fried chicken,boiled spinach,rice and soup for only 500 yen.
You can choose your rice from white rice,brown rice,or mixed grain rice.
They have salad bar,many kinds of noodles and rice ball dishes.
Of course they have variety of dessert.
You can enjoy caramel pudding,cheese cake,fruit jelly for 100〜150 yen each.
Hooray!! ヾ(@⌒¬⌒@)ノ